➤ Pre-register here

Latin American Robotics Symposium - LARS and Latin American Robotics Competition - LARC are the most important academic events in robotics in all Latin America. Every year LARS/LARC takes place in a Latin American Country. This is a Latin-American event that brings together several sub-events that aim to encourage research and development in the area of Robotics.

This event is the union among the most respected competitions and the most important scientific congresses in the fields of robotics and A.I (Artificial Intelligence) in Latin America. In 2024, these event will take place in Arequipa - Peru and will be done in parallel with the XIV ORE 2024 (Olimpiadas de Robótica Educativa 2024).

Perú is a millenary country located in South America which offers a great cultural and gastronomic experience. Arequipa is located in the south of Perú and has become a hub for technological talent in Peru, which has its roots in the San Pablo Catholic University. San Pablo University has become a leading institution in research and technological development in Perú, specially on intelligent autonomous systems.

Arequipa combines the comfort of a metropolis, with the beauty of its green countryside, volcanoes, and cultural heritage; it offers an impressive gastronomy, majestic churches, mansions, and convents. Likewise, the Colca Canyon, twice as deep as the Colorado Canyon. Also, it is close to Machu Picchu and Nazca lines.

Even though it is a Latin American event, every year LARS/LARC receives researchers and teams from countries from North America, Europe and Asia. It is a singular event with a focus on scientific and technological development.

“Welcome to Arequipa - Peru, In the 2024 edition of LARS/LARC/ORE events, attendees will share, learn and discuss the latest advances in scientific and technological development in autonomous robotic systems and artificial intelligence.”

D. Sc. Raquel Esperanza Patiño Escarcina
General Chair

Call for papers

Papers must be written in English and must not exceed six (6) pages in standard IEEE format, including title, abstract, tables, figures, and references. Papers should present new solid results in theoretical, empirical, and applied research related to the conference topics. This year the reviewing process will be DOUBLE BLINDED, so authors must hide their names, contact information, acknowledgments, and any other reference in the text to where their research takes place.

Papers must be written in English and must not exceed six (6) pages in standard IEEE format, you can download templates for the preparation of your manuscript in the next links:

Word Template

Latex template

Conference topics of interest are, but not limited to:

Aerial Robots
Autonomous vehicles
Biologically-Inspired Robots
Cognitive Robotics
Dynamics and Control
Educational Robotics
Embedded and Mobile Hardware
Evolutionary Robotics
Field and Service Robotics
Human-Robot Interaction and Interfaces
Humanoid Robots
Industrial applications
Learning and Adaptation
Micro and Nano Robotics
Mobile Robots
Motion Planning
Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems
Robot Competitions
Robot Modeling
Robot Perception
Robot Programming
Robotic Architectures
Robotic Manipulators
Robotic surgery and rehabilitation
Robotic Swarms
Robotics and Entertainment
Search and Rescue Robots
Self-Localization, Mapping and Navigation
Sensor Modeling and Sensor Networks
Simulation and Visualization
Underwater Robotic Systems
Vision in Robotics and Automation

Deadline for paper registration: June 10th
Deadline for uploading papers: June 17th
Paper Notification of acceptance: August 12th
Camera Ready submission: September 2nd
Tutorials and short courses proposals submission May 19th
Notification of tutorials and short courses acceptance June 9th
Deadline for author registration September 2nd
LARS Papers Presentations November 11th yo 13th
Tutorials and short courses Presentations November 11th yo 13th

You can submit your manuscript in the next link:

Manuscript Submission

You can submit your tutorial or short course proposal send for lars.larc.2024@ucsp.edu.pe:

Tutorial or Short Course Submission

You can submit your camera ready paper in the next link:

Camera Ready Submission

Organizing Chairs

General Chair - Dr. Raquel Esperanza Patiño Escarcina

Local LARS Chair - Dr. Dennis Barrios Aranibar

Program Chair - Dr. Luiz Chaimowicz

Technical Program Members

Dr. Luiz Chaimowicz
Dr. Luiz Marcos Garcia Gonçalvez
Dr. Pablo Javier Alsina
Dr. José Alberto Diaz Amado
Dr. Raquel Esperanza Patiño Escarcina
Dr. Dennis Barrios Aranibar
Dr. Eber Huanca Cayo


Organizing Committee

Dennis Barrios Aranibar - LARS Local Chair

Dr. Dennis Barrios Aranibar

LARS Local Chair
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering - Universidad Católica San Pablo - Arequipa, Peru

Luiz Chaimowicz - Program Chair

Dr. Luiz Chaimowicz

LARS Program Chair
Department of Computer Science - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Brasil

Team Description Papers (TDPs)

The Team Description Paper (TDP) is a document in article format that describes the ideas implemented by the team. You can describe the entire system or focus on one or two components – we recommend that innovative and important topics or alternative approaches taken are included in the TDP, as the same problem and topics may be of interest to other teams.
All teams need to submit a TDP to be able to participate in LARC 2024. TDPs must be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese. Teams that do not send a TDP or that have their TDP refused cannot participate in the event even if they have paid the registration fee. The amounts paid for registrations will not be refunded.
Teams from the same educational institution, but participating in different categories, must register a different TDP for each category.

Team Description Papers can be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese and must not exceed six (6) pages in standard IEEE format, you can download templates for the preparation of your TDP in the next links:

Word Template

Latex template

You can submit your TDP in the next link:

TDP Submission

IEEE Humanoid Robot Racing (HRR)
IEEE Humanoid Robot Racing

Humanoid robots attract interest from the public and researchers around the world. However, coordination and fluidity of movement, maintaining balance to perform a given task, is still an open challenge for humanoid robots.
The main goal of HRR competition is to motivate researches to develop and enhance the walking and running movements of a bipedal robot, in order to complete a course in the shortest time.


Rules: Humanoid Robot Racing Rules


IEEE Open aims to present a high-level challenge to students. In this league, any equipment can be used to assemble an autonomous robot, which must perform a task that changes every year. IEEE Open tasks attempt to reproduce the challenges of real robotics on a smaller scale.


Rules: IEEE Open Rules

IEEE Standard Educational Kits (SEK)

The objective of the SEK category is to present a stimulating challenge to undergraduate students who need to assemble autonomous robots using educational kits previously approved for the competition. Two cooperative robots must act to perform a specific task.


Rules: IEEE Standard Educational Kits (SEK) Rules

Print your Arena to practice: IEEE Standard Educational Kits (SEK) Arena

IEEE Very Small Size Soccer (VSSS)

In IEEE Very Small Size Soccer, two teams of 3 robots measuring up to 7.5 × 7.5 × 7.5 cm play a soccer match. The robots are controlled remotely by a computer, but without human intervention. The computer processes the image from a video camera placed above the field and controls the robots.

*Only Peruvian Teams - The winner on this competition of HRFEST 2024 could advance to the quarter-rounds


Brazilian site of Very Small Size Soccer League: VSSS League

Rules (in portuguese): IEEE Very Small Size Soccer (VSSS) Rules

Simulation 2D Soccer
Simulation 2D Soccer

Simulated football league, where two teams of 11 intelligent autonomous agents play a football match in two dimensions. Each agent, who represents a player, receives limited information about the game situation and must decide his action thinking about the team as a whole.


Robocup Resources for the Soccer Simulation 2D: Simulation 2D Soccer Resources

Simulation 3D Soccer
Simulation 3D Soccer

In this simulated league, two teams of 11 autonomous humanoid robots play football in 3 dimensions. The objective of the 3D simulation competition is aimed at designing strategic football behaviors for low-level control of humanoid robots, and creating basic behaviors such as walking, kicking, turning and lifting, among others.


Robocup Resources for the Soccer Simulation 3D: Simulation 2D Soccer Resources

Rules: Simulation 3D Soccer Rules

Rescue Simulation Robots
Rescue Simulation Robots

The purpose of this competition is to provide a common benchmark to demonstrate scientific progress in the application of robotics to Urban Search and Rescue. The rules of this competition are loosely inspired by the rules of the RoboCup Rescue Robot League. As in the Rescue Robot League, a devastated area has to be explored for victims by a team of robots controlled by an operator. Compared to the Rescue Robot League, the focus is on exploring larger areas with multiple robots rather than the mobility of individual robots.


Robocup Wep Page for Rescue Simulation Robots: Rescue Simulation Robots Official Site

Resources and Documentation of Rescue Simulation: Rescue Simulation Resources

Open Source Code of Rescue Simulation: Rescue Simulation Source Code

Rescue Simulation Agents
Rescue Simulation Agents

The Agent Simulation competition involves primarily evaluating the performance of agent teams on different maps of the RoboCup Rescue Agent Simulation (RCRS) platform, a comprehensive simulation environment for research in disaster response management.. Specifically, this competition involves evaluating the effectiveness of Ambulances, Police Forces, and Fire Brigades agents on rescuing civilians and extinguishing fires in cities where an earthquake has just happened.


Robocup Wep Page for Rescue Simulation Agents: Rescue Simulation Robots Official Site

Resources and Documentation of Rescue Simulation: Rescue Simulation Resources

Open Source Code of Rescue Simulation: Rescue Simulation Source Code

@Home Social Standard Platform League (SSPL)
@Home Social Standard Platform League (SSPL)

The RoboCup @Home league aims to develop service and assistance robot technology for future personal home applications. Robots need to perform tasks and tests inside a simulated home, a realistic and non-standard environment.
The SSPL takes robots away from a traditional passive servant role, as the robot is now the one who actively looks for interaction. From a party waiter in a domestic environment to a hostess in a museum or shopping mall, in SSPL we look for the next user who may require the robot’s services. Hence, this league focuses on Human-Robot Interaction, Natural Language Processing, Person Detection and Person Recognition, Adaptive Behaviors, and safe outdoor Navigation and Mapping. The robot to be used in the SSPL is the Softbank Pepper


Robocup Wep Page for @Home Social Standard Platform League: @Home Social Standard Platform League (SSPL) Official Site

Rules: @Home Rules

Organizing Chairs

General and Local LARC Chair - Dr. Raquel Esperanza Patiño Escarcina

Local LARC Co-Chair - M. Sc. Percy Willianson Lovón Ramos

Technical Members

IEEE Humanoid Robot Racing (HRR) Chair
IEEE Open Chair
IEEE Standard Educational Kits (SEK) Chair
IEEE Very Small Size Soccer (VSSS) Chair
Simulation 2D Soccer Chair
Simulation 3D Soccer Chair
Rescue Simulation Robots Chair
Rescue Simulation Agents Chair
@Home Social Standard Platform League Chair


Organizing Committee

Raquel Esperanza Patiño Escarcina - LARC Local Chair

Dr. Raquel Esperanza Patiño Escarcina

LARC Local Chair
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering - Universidad Católica San Pablo - Arequipa, Peru

Keynote Speakers

Keynote Luiz Chaimowicz

Dr. Luiz Chaimowicz

Luiz Chaimowicz is an Associate Professor at the Computer Science Department of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) in Brazil. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from this same university in 2002, and from 2003 to 2004, he held a Postdoctoral Research appointment with the GRASP Laboratory at University of Pennsylvania.
Dr. Chaimowicz co-directs UFMG’s Vision and Robotics Lab. (VeRLab) and also the J Lab – Multidisciplinary Research Lab. on Digital Games. His research interests include cooperative robotics, coordination of robotic swarms, and digital games, more specifically Artificial Intelligence applied to games.

Program Overview

ORE Competitions

09:00 to 18:00 h

LARC Warm up

09:00 to 18:00 h

ORE Competitions

09:00 to 18:00 h

LARC Warm up

09:00 to 18:00 h

LARC Competitions

09:00 to 18:00 h

LARS Technical Sessions

09:00 to 18:00 h

LARS Tutorials and Short Courses

09:00 to 18:00 h

LARS Keynote Sessions

09:00 to 18:00 h

LARC Competitions

09:00 to 18:00 h

LARS Technical Sessions

09:00 to 18:00 h

LARS Tutorials and Short Courses

09:00 to 18:00 h

LARS Keynote Sessions

09:00 to 18:00 h

LARC Competitions

09:00 to 18:00 h

LARS Technical Sessions

09:00 to 18:00 h

LARS Tutorials and Short Courses

09:00 to 18:00 h

LARS Keynote Sessions

09:00 to 18:00 h

LARC Competitions

09:00 to 18:00 h

LARS/LARC Registration Fees and Link

LARS Registration Fees for NON-PERUVIANS
IEEE Member Non IEEE Member
Includes Early
(Aug. 4th)
Regular Early
(Aug. 4th)
Full 02 papers
01 Conference Dinner
US$ 170.00 US$ 220.00 US$ 250.00 US$ 300.00
Student Event attendance US$ 80.00 US$ 130.00 US$ 100.00 US$ 150.00
Extra Paper 01 extra paper US$ 100.00
LARS Registration Fees for PERUVIANS
IEEE Member Non IEEE Member
Includes Early
(Aug. 4th)
Regular Early
(Aug. 4th)
Full 02 papers
01 Conference Dinner
US$ 170.00 US$ 220.00 US$ 250.00 US$ 300.00
Student Event attendance S/. 110.00 S/. 140.00 S/. 130.00 S/. 160.00
UCSP Student Event attendance S/. 70.00 S/. 100.00 S/. 90.00 S/. 110.00
Corporative Student
10+ Students from the same institution
Event attendance S/. 90.00 S/. 110.00 S/. 110.00 S/. 140.00
Extra Paper 01 extra paper US$ 100.00
LARC Registration Fees for NON-PERUVIANS teams
Team Registration IEEE Member Non IEEE Member
Includes Early
(Sept. 1st)
Regular Early
(Sept. 1st)
Regular Early
(Sept. 1st)
Team 01 team
01 robot
01 team member
US$ 180.00 US$ 200.00 - - - -
Remote Team
Simulated Category
01 team
01 team member
US$ 100.00 US$ 150.00 - - - -
Team member 01 team member - - US$ 80.00 US$ 100.00 US$ 90.00 US$ 115.00
Team professor 01 team professor - - US$ 120.00 US$ 145.00 US$ 130.00 US$ 200.00
LARC Registration Fees for PERUVIANS teams
Team Registration IEEE Member Non IEEE Member
Includes Early
(Sept. 1st)
Regular Early
(Sept. 1st)
Regular Early
(Sept. 1st)
Team 01 team
01 robot
01 team member
S/. 300.00 S/. 400.00 - - - -
Team member 01 team member - - S/. 100.00 S/. 150.00 S/. 150.00 S/. 200.00
Team professor 01 team professor - - S/. 200.00 S/. 300.00 S/. 250.00 S/. 350.00

Conference Venue

This 2024, Latin American Robotics Symposium and Latin American Robotics Competition (LARS/LARC 2024) take place in the Campus San Lázaro of the San Pablo Catholic Univerity in Arequipa - Peru.

Arequipa is the capital city of the Arequipa Region in southern Peru. With a population of 1'226,440 it is the second most populous city of the country. Arequipa lies in the Andes mountains, at an altitude of 2,335 meters (7,661 ft) above sea level; the former snow-capped volcano Misti overlooks the city. It is also the central city of the third most populous metropolitan area of Peru. Rodríguez Ballón International Airport, known as Aeropuerto Internacional Rodríguez Ballón in Spanish, is an airport serving Arequipa, three airlines serve Arequipa, they are LATAM, Sky Airlines and Jet Smart.


Interactive map of peruvian tourist destinations that have obtained the international Safe Travels seal

List of Hotels in Arequipa with the international Safe Travels seal


Educational Robotics Olympics

The Educational Robotics Olympics were born with the objective of contributing to the development of robotics in basic, secondary and university education at a national and international level, helping to promote healthy competition at an academic level, sharing experiences and knowledge related to robotics.
This is with the intention of preparing and giving prior experience to participants seeking to compete in events at the Latin American and global level such as the LARC (Latin American Robotics Competition) and the ROBOCUP.
For 2024, the Educational Robotics Olympics (ORE) have an international focus based on high-level Autonomous Robotics competitions in order to provide the opportunity to prepare teams that can represent us internationally.

MORE INFO (In Spanish):
Olimpiadas de Robótica Educativa